Page 37 - eNewsletter NIISe Edisi 03
P. 37

*pedestrian eGate illustration.


                               Pedestrian eGate Design
                                     Discussion Session


          PUTRAJAYA,  17  December  2021  –  An eGate design  discussion  session for pedestrians  was
          conducted on 17 December 2021 at the Setia Meeting Room, Level 6, Block D7, Complex D, Ministry
          of Home Affairs (MOHA), WP Putrajaya. This session was attended by the Pasukan Petugas Khas
          (PPK)  MOHA,  Subject  Matter  Expert  (SME)  Immigration  Department  of  Malaysia  (JIM),
          Independent Project Management (IPM) Team, Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V)
          Team and NIISe Contractor.

         06                                                          The purpose of this session was to provide
                                                                     a description on the functions and list of
                                                                     equipments  involved  such  as face
                                                                     cameras, iris scanners, fingerprint scanners
                                                                     and passport scanners. Discussion session
         08                                                          was also conducted to identify the process
                                                                     flow of pedestrian  eGate  usage  in
                                                                     accordance  with  the User Requirement
                                                                     Specification (URS) of Immigration Border
                                                                     Control  Module,  fingerprint  scanning
                                                                     process at pedestrian eGate, the proposed
                                                                     biometric  verification  method  such  as
                                                                     1-to-N  (one-to-many) as  well as  time
                                                                     required  for individual  passport data
                                                                     processing for face and iris scanning. This
                                                                     session also focuses on any suggestions
                                                                     to standardize the  pedestrian  eGate  to
                                                                     function bidirectionally.
                               Pedestrian eGate

       NIISe eNewsletter Edition 03                                                                   15    Page

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