Page 33 - eNewsletter NIISe Edisi 03
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On November 20, 2021, the programme was filled with an
overview presentation on the NIISe Project followed by
presentation sessions by the NIISe Contractor Tower Heads
(Management, Application, Infrastructure, Technical, and
Business Tower). The presentation on Enterprise
Architecture (EA) was the main highlight of the programme
as it talks about EA authorizes the organizations to manage
analysis, design, planning and implementation of strategies
to outline the organization’s structure, functions, services,
job operation, used data as well as applications and YBhg. Dato’ Zakaria bin Shaaban - Deputy Director
technologies that support digital services through the General of Immigration (Management) JIM
implementation of Malaysia Government Enterprise
Architecture (MyGovEA).
The NIISe Project Stakeholders Engagement Program also
received attendance from the Director General of
Immigration, YBhg. Dato’ Sri Khairul Dzaimee bin Daud who
delivered key messages on the project towards JIM officers
as well as officiated the closing ceremony.
A visit session to Kuah Jetty Immigration Post and MOHA
Mini Complex, Langkawi was conducted on November 21,
2021, participated by Subject Matter Expert (SME) JIM Supiani binti Sibin - Director of Pasukan Teras Projek
Team, Independent Project Management (IPM) Team,
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Team and
NIISe Contractor. The purpose of this visit was to gain
exposure on the workflow process of JIM Langkawi branch
as well as the infrastructure and ICT equipment used.
Highlight during NIISe
Project Stakeholders
Engagement Programme
and visit session to
MOHA Langkawi.
Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA)
“ NIISe Project will certainly be the game changer that
will transform not only the immigration system, but
also the “landscape” operation of the department as
well as how we manage the entrance and presence of
foreigners in the country. Everything will change when
NIISe is implemented later.
Speech by YBhg. Dato’ Sri Khairul Dzaimee bin Daud - Director General of Immigration
NIISe eNewsletter Edition 03 11 Page