Page 32 - eNewsletter NIISe Edisi 03
P. 32

NIISe Project

                 Stakeholders Engagement


         PUTRAJAYA, 19 November 2021 - The NIISe Project Stakeholders Engagement Programme was
         organized  at  Adya  Hotel  on  19  and  20  November,  2021,  including  a  visit  to  the  Kuah  Jetty
         Immigration Post and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) Mini Complex, Langkawi. This
         programme involves participation from the Management of Immigration Department of Malaysia
         (JIM),  Head  of  Immigration,  Persatuan  Penguasa  Imigresen  Malaysia  (PPImM),  Kesatuan
         Perkhidmatan Imigresen Semenanjung Malaysia (KPISM), JIM officers and Subject Matter Expert
         (SME) JIM/Master Trainer. Besides, Pasukan Petugas Khas (PPK) MOHA, Independent Project
         Management  Team  (IPM),  Independent  Verification  and  Validation  (IV&V)  Team,  and  NIISe
         Contractor also involved in the program.

         The  objective of this programme  is to provide a
         comprehensive description and overview of the NIISe
         Project to stakeholders, as well as sharing session by
         NIISe Contractor Tower Heads on the progress of the
         project. The programme was  also  to ensure all
         stakeholders received information regarding the project
         and its’ progress in line with the project plan.

         The Stakeholders  Engagement  Programme was
         officiated  by  the  Deputy  Director  General  of
         Immigration (Management),  YBhg. Dato Zakaria  bin
         Shaaban on November  19, 2021.  In  his speech,  he
         conveyed the hopes  of  JIM’s  Management to
         stakeholders  and the NIISe Project  Team that NIISe
         Project will be able to change the “landscape” of JIM
         services for the better  and world class by 2023.
         Subsequently, the programme  was  followed  by a
         secretariat  briefing  from  NIISe  Contractor  to  brief
         participants on the course of the event.

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