Page 35 - eNewsletter NIISe Edisi 03
P. 35

NIISe Project Change Impact

          Assessment Workshop

            PUTRAJAYA, 6 December 2021 - The NIISe Project Change Impact Assessment Workshop was
            conducted online from 6 to 17 December 2021 that was attended by Subject Matter Expert
            (SME)  Immigration  Department  of  Malaysia  (JIM),  Independent  Verification  and  Validation
            (IV&V) Team, Independent Project Management (IPM) Team and NIISe Contractor.

            The objective of this workshop was to share the changes and impact on processes of each
            NIISe module as well as to discuss proposed interventions for identified changes such as
            stakeholder engagement, training and updating of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). In
            addition,  the  workshop  also  focused  on  the  finalization  of  the  change  impact  assessment
            conducted for each NIISe module.

                                       Participants involved during NIISe Project
                                         Change Impact Assessment Workshop.

              Change Impact                          Change Impact                        Change Impact
              Assesstment #1                        Assesstment # 2                       Assesstment #3
          Changes  and impacts are               Monitoring of intervention            Monitoring  of intervention
          identified  based  on  system           activities  and new changes           activities  and new changes
          requirements designed  from            identified   during   system           identified when the system is
          system user input.                     development.                          in preparation for go-live.

         Requirements Analysis and                  Development and                       Deployment Phase
                Design Phase                          Testing Phase

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