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Transfer of Technology (ToT):
AI Technologies Training
PUTRAJAYA, 24 November 2021 - Transfer of Technology (ToT): AI Technologies training
managed by SenseTime was conducted virtually on 24 November 2021 which was attended
by 40 participants consist of NIISe Project Team.
The objective of this training session was to provide an understanding of the basic concepts
of Artificial Intelligence (AI), get the latest information on current AI Technologies in the
market and understanding on Video Analytics using cases studies and scenarios in the NIISe
Online session during Transfer of Technology
(ToT): AI Technologies Training.
What is Artificial Intelligence AI Application in NIISe
(AI) Technologies?
AI is one of the broad branches of computer science Used for Video Analytics (VA) subscopes including
where the function of AI focuses on the ability of Facial Recognition (FR) and not limited to Real-Time
machines to produce rational behavior on external Facial Watchlist Surveilance, Offline Video Analytics
inputs. Technologies such as machine learning are for Investigation Search and Acces Control via
part of the AI landscape that evolves along its own Centralized VA used at Nation Exit/Entry as well as at
path and when used in combination with data, state Immigration Offices. AI is also used to asisst
analysis or automation it can assist human daily surveillance routines at Immigration Depots and
tasks. National Immigration Control Centre (NICC).
12 Page NIISe eNewsletter Edition 03