Page 36 - eNewsletter NIISe Edisi 03
P. 36
NIISe Project Communication
Effectiveness Assessment Survey
PUTRAJAYA, 14 December 2021 - A survey to assess the level of communication effectiveness of
the NIISe Project was conducted from 14 to 28 December 2021, with a pool of 4,900 respondents
from the Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM) officers. This survey exceeded expectations
with 5,025 respondents compared to the targeted number.
Communication is the main medium to share important information on NIISe Project to stakeholders.
To ensure that every communication can be delivered effectively and accurately, the choice of
communication platforms are important. Some of the communication used are digital
communication through social media as well as printed materials such as posters and bunting.
Meanwhile, verbal communication such as townhalls conference and roadshow will be held in the
future. As such, assessment was conducted based on five aspects which are the content of
communication materials, communication channels, commitment, dissemination of communication
materials and acceptance of communication.
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Poster of NIISe Project Communication
Effectiveness Assessment Participation Status.
14 Page NIISe eNewsletter Edition 03
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