Page 58 - News_Speech-Nation
P. 58
ModeL aNswer 자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.
Short Q Could you tell me the main topic of this article?
TALK A This article is mainly about the Korean government’s action
to tighten the punishment for animal abusers.
Q According to the revised law, what is the maximum penalty
for animal abusers?
A Abusers can be fined up to 10 million won and sentenced
to prison for a maximum of one year.
Q In addition, what does the article say every dog owner
should do starting in 2013?
A Every dog owner is required to register his or her dog, in
order to prevent pets from being abandoned or lost.
Long 도입 I think there are two main reasons a growing number of
TALK people have pets today.
이유1 Most importantly, people have pets for emotional reasons.
More people are living alone these days and they often feel
lonely. Pets are comforting and fun to play with.
이유2 Next, people have pets for safety reasons. Some animals,
especially dogs, can guard a house and the owner. They
are loyal to owners, so people say a dog is a man’s lifelong
마무리 So, these are the reasons why more and more people have
pets today.
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