Page 62 - News_Speech-Nation
P. 62
ModeL aNswer 자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.
Short Q Could you tell me the main topic of this article?
TALK A This article is mainly about a survey showing that patients
who want plastic surgery are getting younger in Korea.
Q According to the survey, how many teen respondents were
willing to have plastic surgery?
A The survey says 41.4 percent of the respondents answered
they would go under the knife for beauty.
Q What is suggested by this high percentage of teens who are
willing to have cosmetic surgery?
A It shows people have become more tolerant of cosmetic
surgery because mass media keeps stressing the
importance of a beautiful appearance.
Long 도입 I am against any cosmetic surgery for two main reasons.
근거1 The first reason is there can be serious side effects from
plastic surgery. People tend to think it is completely safe
to get plastic surgery today, as plastic surgery has become
very common. But doctors still warn of the possible risks.
근거2 The second reason is cosmetic surgery is very addictive.
People are never satisfied with what they already have and
always desire something better. Therefore, plastic surgery
should be used only for reconstruction reasons, not for
cosmetic reasons.
마무리 Therefore, I strongly disapprove of cosmetic surgery.
저는 두 가지 주된 이유로 어떤 미용 성형에도 반대합니다.
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