Page 66 - News_Speech-Nation
P. 66
ModeL aNswer 자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.
Short Q Can you tell me the main topic of this article?
TALK A This article is mainly about new family names and clans
being formed in Korea.
Q What is the reason for new family clans being created?
A New family names and clans are being made because more
foreigners are getting naturalized as Korean citizens.
Q According to the article, what are the two ways of making
new clans?
A Some people make new clans originating from their
favorite place in Korea. Others name them after the place
they used to live.
Long 도입 I think it’s advisable to be naturalized once people plan to
TALK live in a foreign country permanently.
근거1 First, without citizenship, you cannot take full advantage
of the benefits or protection provided by the government.
For example, international students should pay a expensive
tuition while domestic students pay a small amount of
근거2 Second, it is much easier to adapt to the new surroundings
when you are naturalized. You can feel like a member of a
society and you won’t be left out or behind at all.
마무리 So, I believe it’s a better idea to get naturalized.
저는 해외에 영구적으로 살고자 계획한다면 귀화를 하는 것이 바람직하다고
우선, 시민권이 없으면 정부에서 제공하는 혜택이나 보호를 제대로 누릴 수
없습니다. 가령, 국내 학생들은 적은 금액만 내는 반면에 해외 학생들은 비싼
학비를 내야 합니다.
두 번째로는 귀화를 하게 되면 새로운 환경에 적응하는 것이 훨씬 쉬워지기
때문입니다. 사회의 일원과 같은 느낌을 가질 수 있고 제외되거나 뒤쳐지지
않을 것입니다.
따라서 저는 귀화하는 것이 낫다고 생각합니다.