Page 70 - News_Speech-Nation
P. 70

ModeL aNswer   자신의 답이 맞는지 확인해 보세요.

        Short        Q     What does this article talk about?
        TALK         A     This article talks about how the retirement age has slightly

                           increased since 2006.
                     Q     According to the article, what contributed to the recent
                           increase in the retirement age?
                     A     The increase in the retirement age is mainly due to a few
                           policies implemented by the government.

                     Q     What does the peak wage system make possible?
                     A     The peak wage system enables aging workers to work
                           longer than their original retirement age with a lower
                           salary than they used to get.

        Long         도입  I am totally in favor of the policy to extend the retirement
        TALK               age.

                     근거1  Most importantly, it is because people are far healthier
                           than before. Today, most people in their sixties are healthy
                           enough to keep working. If they want to keep their jobs,
                           they should be allowed to do so.
                     근거2  Secondly, people live longer today than before. So, people
                           need more money and are required to work longer to cover
                           their living expenses. Without a change in the retirement
                           age, older people could have more financial problems.
                     마무리  Therefore, I agree with the extension of the retirement age.

                           저는 정년을 연장하는 정책에 전적으로 찬성합니다.
                           무엇보다 사람들이 예전보다 훨씬 더 건강하기 때문입니다. 오늘날 대부분의
                           사람들은 60대에도 계속 일할 만큼 건강합니다. 그들이 계속 일하고 싶어하면,
                           그렇게 하도록 허락되어야 합니다.
                           두 번째로 사람들은 예전보다 더 오래 삽니다. 그래서 사람들은 더 많은 돈이
                           필요하고 생활비를 감당하기 위해 더 오랫동안 일을 해야만 합니다. 정년이
                           바뀌지 않는다면 노년층은 재정적인 문제를 더 많이 겪을 것입니다.
                           따라서 저는 정년 연장에 찬성합니다.

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