Page 69 - News_Speech-Nation
P. 69
MaIN-study 전화영어 선생님과 함께 뉴스 내용을 이야기해 보세요.
Get Answer the questions briefly.
Q1 How long have you worked so far and how much longer
do you want to work?
Q2 What do you want to do after retiring?
TALK Answer the questions using the hints in Korean.
Q What does this article talk about?
A This article talks about 정년이 어떻게 조금씩 증가했는지 since 2006.
Q According to the article, what contributed to the recent
increase in the retirement age?
A The increase in the retirement age is mainly due to
정부에 의해 시행된 몇 가지 정책들
Q What does the peak wage system make possible?
A The peak wage system 고령 근로자들이 원래의 정년보다 더 오랫동안
일하도록 해준다 with a lower salary than they used to get.
TALK Express your ideas using the mind map in Korean.
Q Do you agree or disagree with the extension of the retirement
age? And, why do you think so?
근거1 정년 연장에
평균 수명이 길어져
건강상태가 개선됨 찬성
추가 수입 필요함
A 도입 I am totally in favor of
근거1 Most importantly,
근거2 Secondly,
마무리 Therefore,