Page 7 - Newsletter Q3 2021-2022
P. 7

DMTC Places Students in WBL Opportunities (cont’d)

          Two of our students are also completing co-ops at Oilmens.  Broome High School sen-
          ior Cody Gregory is in the Automotive Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Co-
          Op cluster at DMTC. Cody will be a double completer in Automotive Technology and
          Welding Technology when he graduates from Broome High School this Spring. He is
          pictured placing pop rivets on a
          flip placard. Spartanburg High
          School senior Travis Gist is in the
          Automotive Transportation, Dis-
          tribution, and Logistics cluster at
          DMTC. Travis will be an Automo-
          tive Technology completer when
          he graduates this spring. He is
          pictured at Oilmens drilling holes
          for tie downs.

          Spartanburg High School Senior Alexan-
          der Camp is a Carpentry work-based
          learning student with Royce Camp Con-
          struction LLC. He is pictured at a resi-
          dential construction site applying a seal-
          er to the concrete block foundation and
          backfilling the area near the foundation.
          Alexander will be a Carpentry completer
          when he graduates this spring.

         Broome High School junior and Electricity completer Caleb
         McKinnish is on work-based learning at Renfrow Industrial.
         Caleb is pictured cutting din-rail to go into an electrical pan-
         el that he is building for an industrial machine.  Caleb
         gained some valuable skills working in motor control panels
         as an Electricity III student last semester at DMTC.
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