Page 3 - Newsletter Q3 2021-2022
P. 3

Non-traditional Electricity Student Makes Great Strides

         BHS Senior Claire Braley is a non-traditional student
         in Electricity III at DMTC, which means she is in a
         technical education program for an occupation that
         employs less than 25% of her gender.  Claire originally
         started in DMTC’s Graphic Communications program.
         While she was in level II, her class worked on trouble-
         shooting issues with the gears and mechanisms on
         the printing press.  She remembers being very en-
         gaged working on the machinery.  She also works
         with her father at times who installs fire and safety
         alarms, which involves electrical components.  These
         two experiences prompted her to sign up for Electrici-
         Electricity instructor Robert Sparks realized her po-
         tential early.  He said, “She completed her projects at a rapid pace and showed great
         initiative.”  Because of this, he began assigning her more challenging projects and
         even allowed her autonomy in choosing some of her own projects where she has
         been able to utilize her analytical skills and creativity.  After graduation Claire plans
         to attend SCC in the fall to earn her associate degree in Industrial Electricity and pos-
         sibly continue to a four year program.  We are proud of Claire’s accomplishments and
         wish her much success!

         DMTC Teacher of the Year Announced

         Mrs. Sharon Mack was announced as Teacher of the
         Year for DMTC.  Mrs. Mack works very hard teaching
         Marketing classes and encouraging student success.  A
         fellow colleague said of her, “She is so diligent in help-
         ing students achieve their full potential.”  Mrs. Mack
         returned to DMTC three years ago after working for a
         time at Broome High School.  We are so happy to have
         her back with us and want to congratulate her for be-
         ing chosen for this award by her colleagues!
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