Page 1 - Newsletter Q3 2021-2022
P. 1
March 2022
Come for the Skills...Stay for the Challenge
DMTC Offers New Courses for Students
DMTC is offering two new programs
next year, Media Technology and Law
Enforcement Services. The Media
Technology courses familiarize stu-
dents with TV, video, audio, lighting,
and computer equipment. They will
learn basic production techniques for
producing videos, a television program,
and a news magazine for the student
body. The Law Enforcement Services
courses are designed to prepare stu-
dents for entry-level positions related
to the law enforcement field. These
will be hands-on courses that will in-
clude a physical component as well as
some off-campus activities. Additional-
ly, we will be adding Introduction to
Teaching and Baking and Pastry pro-
grams the following year in 2023-2024.
Daniel Morgan Technology Center*201 Zion Hill Road*Spartanburg, SC