Page 2 - Newsletter Q3 2021-2022
P. 2

DMTC Culinary Arts Students Take 2nd Place at ProStart

         On March 7, DMTC Culinary
         Arts students took second place
         at the ProStart Invitational
         Tournament in Columbia, SC,
         hosted by the National Restau-
         rant Association Educational
         Forum.  Students had 90
         minutes to prepare an appetiz-
         er, entrée, and dessert, after
         which they were judged on
         complexity, taste, skills, sanita-
         tion, and teamwork.  The team
         members were SHS students
         Juan Junco and Charlotte Johnson and BHS students DJ Drake and Caden Chap-
         pell.  Their menu included the following:  appetizer Scallop Crudo consisting of Day-
         boat Scallops, Shaved Fennel, Watermelon Radish, Cucumber, Papaya, Squid Ink
         Tuille; entrée Cazuela de Mariscos consisting of Skate Wing, Prawn, Mussels, King
         Oyster Mushrooms, Spinach, Chimichurri; dessert Tropical Napoleon consisting of
         Phyllo, Guava Mascarpone, Lime Curd, Mango Mousse, Fruit Pearls.  Congratulations
         to Chef Tim Page and our students for representing Daniel Morgan so well.

         Mrs. Spivey Receives the All-In Award

         Congratulations  and  thank  you  to  Mrs.  Daphine
         Spivey.  She received the bi-annual All-In Award that
         honors those who exemplify the District 3 Motto: All
         in.  Every  child,  every  day,  whatever  it  takes.   DMTC
         Director  Heath  Roberts  said,  “Mrs.  Spivey  has  been
         working  at  Daniel  Morgan  Technology  Center  for  49
         years this past September. Her concern for the people
         and the school are second to none.   She rarely misses
         work and hates the days that she does. Her dedication
         is a testament to her longevity and her spirit.”
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