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an agreement between the employer and the employee.

                         2. Minimum Wage

                         In  an  effort  to  realize  an  income  that  can  meet  the  decent  needs  of  the

                         community,  the  government  implements  a  policy  in  the  wage  system,
                         namely the minimum wage policy. Minimum wage is a standard of income

                         that must be provided by employers to workers whose levels are adjusted to
                         the productivity and economic growth of a country.

                         3. Wage Council

                         According to Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No. 107/2004 on
                         the Wage Board, the wage board is a tripartite, non-structural institution. The

                         wage  board  consists  of  the  national  wage  board  (Depenas),  provincial  wage
                         board (Depeprov), and district/city wage board (Depekab/Depeko).

                             a. Wage Council National

                         The  national  wage  board  (Depenas)  is  established  by  the  president.  This
                         institution  is  tasked  with  providing  advice  and  considerations  to  the

                         government  in  the  context  of  formulating  wage  policies  and  developing  a
                         national wage system. In carrying out its duties, the National Wage Council

                         cooperates  with  the  government,  the  private  sector,  and  other  related  parties.
                         The membership of the Ministry of National Development consists of elements

                         from  the  government,  employers'  organizations,  trade  unions/labor  unions,

                         universities,  and  experts.  Meanwhile,  the  membership  of  the  Ministry  of
                         National Development consists of elements from the government, employers'

                         organizations,  and  trade  unions/labor  unions  with  a  ratio  of  2:1:1.

                         Meanwhile, the number of members from universities and experts is adjusted
                         to the needs.

                             b. Wage Council Province

                         The  provincial  wage  council  (Depeprov)  is  formed  by  the  governor.  The

                         Depeprov's task is to provide advice and consideration to the governor in

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