Page 9 - SYF Hispanic Playbook_WorkingDraft (1)
P. 9
More Hispanics than ever are attending college.
Approximately 42% of US Hispanic adults 25 years of age or older have at least
some college education. This is an increase from 36% in 2010.
The share of Hispanics with at least a completed bachelor’s degree went
up from 13% to 18% between 2010 and 2020.
College enrollment also increased between 2010 and 2019, from 2.9 to
3.6 million, and the share of enrolled Hispanics among all US
college students increased from 14% to 19%.
The median household income of Hispanic households in 2020 was $55,321, below
the median income for all households, which was $67,521.
4 in 5 Hispanics are US citizens (includes Puerto Ricans)