Page 9 - SYF Hispanic Playbook_WorkingDraft (1)
P. 9



                More Hispanics than ever are attending college.

                Approximately 42% of US Hispanic adults 25 years of age or older have at least
                some college education.  This is an increase from 36% in 2010.

                          The share of Hispanics with at least a completed bachelor’s degree went

                             up from 13% to 18% between 2010 and 2020.

                          College enrollment also increased between 2010 and 2019, from 2.9 to
                             3.6 million, and the share of enrolled Hispanics among all US
                             college students increased from 14% to 19%.

                The median household income of Hispanic households in 2020 was $55,321, below

                the median income for all households, which was $67,521.
                4 in 5 Hispanics are US citizens (includes Puerto Ricans)
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