Page 6 - SYF Hispanic Playbook_WorkingDraft (1)
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32.7% of Hispanics reported being of more than one race. Totaling 20.3 million
people, this is a 567% increase from 2010 when 6% of Hispanics reported being
The number of people of Hispanic or Latino origin who identified as White
alone decreased by 52.9%, from 26.7 million in 2010 to 12.6 million in 2020.
While the increase is mostly due to improvements in the Census questionnaire,
the 2020 numbers by themselves reflect the racial diversity existing within the
Hispanic population in the US.
As added context, the fastest-growing racial or ethnic group in the United States is
people who are Two or More Races, who are projected to grow some 200 percent by
2060. The next fastest is the Asian population, which is projected to double, followed
by Hispanics whose population will nearly double within the next four decades,
projected to reach 111 million by 2060.
Growth of the Hispanic population was observed across the
50 states
Percentage of State Population Reporting Hispanic or Latino