Page 30 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 30
Figure2.6: Instrument processing
The formula for making chlorine solution from dry powders
Check concentration (%concentrate) of the powder you are using.
Determine grams of bleach needed using the formula below.
Grams /liter = % dilute x100
% concentrate
Mix a measured amount of bleach powder with 1 liter of water.
Example: make a dilute chlorine releasing solution (0.5%) from
concentrated powder (35%).
Step-1: calculate grams /liter: 0.5 % x100=14.2g/l
35 %
Step-2: add 14.2 grams (14g) to 1 liter of water.
1. PPE (heavy-duty glove/surgical glove, plastic apron, gown, goggle, mask)
2. Plastic bucket (3)
3. Water
4. Chlorine solution (0.5%)
5. Measuring Jug