Page 34 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 34
1. Wash hands and dry them
2. Decontaminate and clean all instruments and other items to be high level disinfected
3. Prepare necessary equipment
4. Completely immense cleaned instruments and other items in water
5. Cover boiler with lid and bring water to a gently rolling boil
6. Start timing when rolling boil beings
7. Continue rolling boiling for 20 minutes
8. Remove items with high-level disinfected forceps
9. Place instruments in covered high level disinfected container
10. Wash hands and dry them.
2.10 Health care waste management
Definition: refers to all activities, involved in the collection, handling, treatment,
conditioning, transport, storage, and disposal of waste produced at healthcare facilities
High-Risk Wastes
• Infectious waste
• Anatomical waste
• Sharps wastes (used or unused)
• Chemical waste
• Pharmaceutical waste
• Radioactive wastes
• Pressurized container
Low-Risk Wastes
Noninfectious waste Communal wastes
2.10.1 Waste Segregation
Definition: Waste segregation is separating waste by type at the place where it is
Protect people who handle waste items from injuries,
Prevent the spread of infections to HCWs who handle waste,
Prevent the spread of infection to the community,
Protect the environment
1. Two different colored bags (Yellow and Black)
2. Heavy-duty glove
3. Mask
4. Gown