Page 76 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 76
B. Male catheterization
The Procedure is the same as female catheterization
Clean the genital organ with antiseptic lotion
Hold the penis at an angle of 90 degrees or in an upright position then insert the
catheter bringing the penis to an angle of 60 or slightly bent until urine flows & the
foreskin retracted (16 – 18cm )
Avoid infection which might lead to cystitis by using sterile Equipment and Procedure
Make sure the catheter remain sterile until used but if contaminated there boil
Adequate light or a well-lighted room should be used
When the flow of urine stops, gently press on the bladder area above the symphysis
Anesthetic lubricant should be used for a male patient, if available, as is prevents much
C. Insertion of the Foley catheter
1. To prevent retention by the use of an indwelling catheter
2. To prevent frequent catheterization in the case where the patient is unable to pass
3. To prevent bedsore if the patient is incontinent
4. To prevent infection, in case of perineal operation
(Includes the complete set for catheterization)
Foley catheter
The container of sterile water
Drainage bottle with a tube or bag
Plaster and syringe
1. Same as in catheterization, using a Foley catheter
2. Test the balloon of the catheter by filling at with sterile water using a syringe and
needle before insertion
3. When the catheter is instead, fill the syringe with the proper amount of sterile water
and inflate the balloon slowly
4. Tie the opening of the catheter leading to the balloon tightly so that there is no leakage.
Remove the syringe
5. Pull gently on the end of the catheter to be sure it will not leave the bladder
6. Attach the drainage tube to the end of the catheter and place the other end in the
drainage bottle