Page 72 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 72

4.12.4 Colostomy irrigation
                       Definition: A Colostomy is an operation in which an artificial opening is made into the
                       It is done to permit a scape of feces when there is an obstruction of the large bowel or a
                       known lesion, such as cancer, that will eventually cause an obstruction
                       It also may be done to permit healing of the bowel distal to it after an infection,
                       perforation, or traumatic injury since it diverts the fecal stream from the affected area
                       It may be done as a palliative measure in the treatment of an obstruction caused by an
                       inoperable growth of the colon, or if the rectum must be removed to treat cancer
                       It may be done to provide a permanent means of bowel evacuation
                       To encourage a bowel motion in a recently established colostomy and to ensure that the
                       opening is patient
                       To relieve constipation in patients who has difficulty in managing the in colostomy
                       To teach the patient how to establish the regularity of evacuation through the colostomy
                       To reduce distention before the closure of colostomy
                   1.  Irrigation can
                   2.  Tubing, clip or clamp, glass connection
                   3.  Rectal catheter
                   4.  The solution as ordered usually tap water, soap suds, or normal saline solution about
                       500cc at a temperature of 40 C
                   5.  Two large receivers
                   6.  Binder and pins or colostomy bag
                   7.  Mackintosh and towel
                   8.  Bucket and newspaper for the floor if available
                   9.  I.V. stand
                   10. Screen if available

                   1.  Explain the Procedure to the patient
                   2.  Prepare Equipment and bring it to the bedside
                   3.  Put screen around and remove the dressing
                   4.  Put the patient in a comfortable sitting-up position with the abdomen   exposed
                   5.  Place the mackintosh and draw sheet to protect the bedclothes
                   6.  Fill the irrigating ca with the solution and elevate the can about 50cms. Above the bed.
                       Expel air and clamp
                   7.  Place the bucket on the floor over the newspaper bedside the bed is available.
                   8.  Place a large receiver below the colostomy.
                   9.  Connect the catheter with the tube to the irrigating can and lubricate it.
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