Page 69 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 69
1. Explain the Purpose of the Procedure to the patient
2. Prepare the solution ordered and mix the ingredients thoroughly- agents used to help
stimulate peristalsis act as irritants on the mucous agents not dissolved or mixed
thoroughly could produce harmful local irritants
3. Prepare the amount of solution ordered or 750 to 1,000cc for an adult
4. Bring Equipment to bedside
5. Place the patient in the left, lateral position
6. Protect the bed with mackintosh and towel
7. Check the temperature of the solution
8. Expel air from tubing by allowing water to run through it. Then clamp it
9. Lubricate the rectal tube
10. Expose only the buttocks by folding the top linen towards the other edge of the bed.
11. Separate the buttocks with one hand using toilet paper or gauze and insert the rectal
tube into the rectum slowly 6-8cm
12. Open the clip and allow fluid to run in. elevate the funnel or the reservoir to the point
where the solution begins to flow slowly into the colon.
13. Gravity aids the flow of the solution from the reservoir into the rectum.
14. The higher the elevation of the fluid the greater will be the rate of flow into the colon
and pressure exerted on the colon.
15. If the patient complains of cramps stop the solution for a few minutes and then start
16. Stop the flow of fluid and remove the rectal tube when the patient has a strong desire to
17. Distension and irritation of the intestinal wall, which produce strong peristaltic action,
should be sufficient to empty the lower intestinal tract
18. Replace the Equipment on the tray
19. Place the patient in a sitting position on the bedpan or assist him to go to the bathroom
or a commode if permissible-contraction of the abdominal and the perineal muscles
which aid in emptying the colon is easier when the patient is in the sitting position
When the enema is expelled the nurse must take the following observation
The color of outcome-brown, black, gray, clay-colored, yellow, green
Consistency to the feces medium, small,
The approximate amount of fluid returned
The general amount of the patient.
If there are any unusual findings in the enema, return. E.g. Blood, mucus, worms, etc.
Clean the patient, change his had if soaked, and leave the patient comfort
Wash all Equipment thoroughly and satirize it before reuse. Normally the abundant
growth of bacteria in the large intestine.
Record, the time, result, and effect on the patient.