Page 71 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 71

                       Tray containing
                   1.  Large jug for the fluid
                   2.  Pint Jug
                   3.  Funnel, tubing, and glass connecting
                   4.  Rectal catheter and clamp
                   5.  Swabs and Vaseline
                   6.  Mackintosh and towel
                   7.  Bucket
                   8.  Screen
                   9.  Lotion thermometer

                   1.  Explain the Purpose of the Procedure to the patient thoroughly
                   2.  Prepare the solution ordered by the physician
                   3.  Bring Equipment to bedside
                   4.  Screen the bed and place the patient in the left lateral position with the buttocks on the
                       edge of the bed
                   5.  Place mackintosh and towel underneath the buttocks
                   6.  Check the temperature of the fluid and fill the small jug. The temperature should be
                       about 38 C or 100 F
                   7.  Lubricate the catheter
                   8.  Run the fluid through to expel air and then clamp it
                   9.  Expose the anal region.
                   10. Separate the buttocks, with one hand & insert the rectal tube into the rectum 8-10cms
                   11. Open the clamp and allow to run about 100cc of fluid in the bowel then siphon back
                       into the bucket
                   12. Carry on the Procedure until the fluid returned is clear
                   13. Remove the catheter and leave the patient comfortable
                   14. The amount returned should be measured to ensure that none has been retained
                   15. Record or chart the time, result, and effect on the patient

                       The rectal washout should not exceed for more than 2 hours
                       The rectal washout should be finished one hour before examination or x-ray that is to
                       give time for the large intestine to absorb the rest of the fluid
                       Give cleansing enema a half hour before the rectal washout
                       Rectal washout can also be done by using a connector

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