Page 79 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 79

Topic: students should not be allowed to play pubg.

             Pubg is a term you must have probably heard by

             now. It is the abbreviated form of player unknown

             battleground. Basically, it is a video game. Which is

             the multiplayer battle royal game. It is very famous

             all over the world. However, the entertainment

             factor does not mean it is all good. The game has

             become viral, and it is played by billions of people.

             The player has become addicted to this game.

             Moreover, it is hampering their quality of life.

             Impact of pubg mobile game addiction

             When the game now got release for windows it

             received rave reviews. Further upon being release on

             mobile phones it caught like wildfire. The craze for

             the game spread among all the age groups. What

             started as a recreation game has now turned into an

             addiction. It is impacting the life of the players and

             also resulting in various crimes. For instance, a boy

             killed himself due to pubg mobile game addiction.

           The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.
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