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            This guidance document is about preparing and submitting the WMP document and managing the
            proposed  mitigation  plans.  The  WMP  document  needs  to  be  prepared  and  approved  by
            PERHILITAN as part of EMP approval before the project can commence. This document (as part of
            EMP) needs to be prepared only after the EIA is approved by the DOE (with condition). The flow
            of processes in preparing and submitting the WMP and managing the proposed mitigation plans
            is detailed in Figure 2.3.

                                                         EIA Approved by DOE with condition

                                                        Preparation of WMP Report/Document
                                                        (WMP Consultant)
                                                        Submission of WMP Report/Document
                                                        (Project Proponent/WMP Consultant)
                      Report                            Report Review by Review Officer
                 Amendment                              (PERHILITAN)
                                                        Technical Review Meeting

                    Not Approved           Approved     (PERHILITAN)
                                                        Prepare Term of Agreement (to include
                                                        in WMP)
                 Negotiation                            (PERHILITAN)
                                                        Sign Term of Agreement
                                                        (Project Proponent)
                    Not Approved           Approved
                                                        WMP Report Approval Letter
                                                        (copy to DOE)(PERHILITAN)

                                                         Project Commerce (Refer to Enforcement SOP)

               Figure 2.3: Steps and procedures adopted by PERHILITAN in preparing and submitting the
                                            Wildlife Management Plan (WMP).

            Detailed requirements on how WMP needs to be prepared for submission to PERHILITAN are
            discussed in the subsequent chapters. Each submitted WMP document will be reviewed by the
            PERHILITAN Review Officer within a certain timeframe before the document can be vetted at the
            Technical Review Meeting for approval. If PERHILITAN approves the WMP document, the Terms of
            Agreements shall be signed (Agreed) by the proponent to follow all the proposed mitigation
            measures prescribed in the WMP. Written approval notification shall be sent immediately to DOE
            to complement the EMP process (for approval). Similarly, if PERHILITAN does not approve the
            WMP document, the proponent shall be notified in writing and be given the opportunity to amend
            the document according to suggestions made by the Review Officers. If no amendments are made
            during the prescribed timeframe, the document shall be considered to have failed to meet the
            approval requirements of PERHILITAN. Similarly, written notification shall be made to DOE.

            Approval of the WMP document is not a guarantee for the approval of the EMP. The proposed
            project can commence only after DOE’s EMP approval (See Figure 1.1).

                                                     GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF WILDLIFE
                                                    MANAGEMENT PLAN (WMP) IN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA)  11
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