Page 19 - WMP_Neat
P. 19
There are several methods of wildlife predicted at the proposed project area.
inventory namely Trapping, Camera Trapping, Corridor Identification for Wildlife
Field Survey, and Interviews. Movement – Corridors are important to allow
easy movement of wildlife from one patch (or
Trapping, Camera Trapping, Field Survey, reserves) to other patches. Without proper
and Interviews.Trapping involves catching corridors, wildlife could not possibly move
of wildlife using bare hand for amphibians outside their ranges and may cause conflicts.
and reptiles, cage traps for small and Thus, the availability of the corridor for
medium mammals, mist nets for bats and wildlife movement needs to be identified.
birds, harp traps for bats, small pitfall traps Corridor Identification for Wildlife
for amphibians and reptiles, large pitfall Movement is applicable when important large
traps for large mammals, scoop and throw and medium mammal species with large
nets for fish, amphibians and reptiles, and home ranges present within or in the
snares for medium and large mammals; surrounding project area, such as elephants,
tapir, sun bear, and deer. The list of large and
Camera Trapping is a new technique medium species should be presented in the
where cameras equipped with IR, WMP report (it could be extracted from the
movement and heat sensors are used to approved EIA report). Thus, species that will
document the presence of wildlife species be affected from the project can be identified.
at proposed project area; Further assessment is still needed to find the
best corridor to connect the affected forest
There are several methods of wildlife patches or reserves. Camera trapping and
inventory namely Trapping, Camera Trapping, wildlife survey are probably the best methods
Field Survey, and Interviews. to assess corridor suitability for large and
medium wildlife species. From this survey,
Trapping involves catching of wildlife using areas with a high potential for human-wildlife
bare hand for amphibians and reptiles, cage conflicts also can be determined. The best
traps for small and medium mammals, mist way to certain the route taken by each wildlife
nets for bats and birds, harp traps for bats, species is by VHF, UHF and satellite collars.
small pitfall traps for amphibians and reptiles, Several mitigation measures are available to
large pitfall traps for large mammals, scoop allow free movement of wildlife along the
and throw nets for fish, amphibians and natural corridors. Those options are tunnels,
reptiles, and snares for medium and large viaducts, and overpasses. Enhancing the
mammals; available natural corridor is another mitigation
Camera Trapping is a new technique where
cameras equipped with IR, movement and Human-Wildlife Conflict Monitoring and
heat sensors are used to document the Mitigation – Issues on human-wildlife conflicts
presence of wildlife species at proposed need to be resolved at the earliest time
project area; possible because conflicts involve the safety
of humans (including economic loss, fear,
Field Survey refers to the field technique to injury and death) and wildlife. There are
document the presence of wildlife via signs several ways that the occurrence of conflicts
left behind such as footprints, scats, claw can be gathered in the surrounding project
marks, horn marks, and wallows, and direct areas, such as a report from loggers, locals of
observation (naked eye or scopes) in the field; surrounding communities, NGOs, and
authorities such as the Department of Wildlife
Interviews are another indirect method where and National Parks (PERHILITAN) and the
the presence of wildlife is determine by asking Forestry Department. The baseline
locals and related government agencies information on wildlife-human conflicts
(PERHILITAN, PERHUTANAN, and (locality, species, and occurrence) during the
PERIKANAN). pre-construction stage (e.g. historical data)
can be used to design comprehensive
Wildlife Inventory is needed (or proposed to be management during the construction and
done) when i) the wildlife and habitat data from operation stages. Continuous assessment of
the EIA are inadequate and more data are the human-wildlife conflict should be done
needed to establish the plan, ii) predicted from the pre-construction stage until the
impact from the WMP study suggested that operation stage. The occurrence of the
important (Protected and Totally Protected) conflicts suggests the level of disturbance
wildlife species will be affected from the project, (high or low) and the stage of adaptation
and iii) wildlife-human conflict (e.g. wildlife during construction. Conflicts or potential
disturbance on community, road-kills) is conflicts with wildlife can be evaluated or