Page 23 - WMP_Neat
P. 23

2.Management  Components - Law Enforcement

                                    Mitigations                             Development Phase
                                      Mitigation Methods                          Construction  Operational
               Mitigation Activity                                  Construction
                                      (Options to Select)              Phase          Phase        Phase

                  Enforcement        •Road Block •Ambush
                    of Wildlife      •Search of premises
                  Conservation       •Patrolling •Traps / snares
                    Act (716)          removal operation

                   Sign board        •Warning not to hunt
                                     •Report of illegal poaching
                                     •Wildlife conflict •Habitat
                  ERP (Hotline)        encroachment •Animal
                                       abuse/cruelty •Wildlife
                                       trading •Wildlife smuggling

                            3. Management Components – Education and Training

                                    Mitigations                             Development Phase

                                      Mitigation Methods                          Construction  Operational
               Mitigation Activity                                  Construction
                                      (Options to Select)                             Phase        Phase
                                     •Pamphlets •Poster
                   Education &       •Education and awareness
                   Awareness           program (seminar,
                    Program            exhibition, talk) •Social
                                       media, blog, homepage
                                     •Basic handling and
                     Training          Restraining •Safety •Wildlife
                    (*Option)          Medicine •Boat handling
                                       and skill •4WD skill •Water
                                       confidence •Flora and fauna
                                       identification •Sampling
                                       method •Data handling
                                       and report •Data storage

                             4. Management Components - Ex-Situ Conservation

                                    Mitigations                             Development Phase

                                      Mitigation Methods                          Construction  Operational
               Mitigation Activity                                  Construction
                                      (Options to Select)                             Phase        Phase
                                     •Captured individual for
                     Captive           captive breeding at
                    Breeding           breeding centre or
                    Program            license breeders/zoos
                    *(option)        •Wildlife ranching

            Note that the Mitigation Method Options may not have to appear in the WMP document since this
            column serves as a guide for consultants to choose the best appropriate measures to mitigate the
            impacts. This table summarises the detailed description of the proposed mitigation measures.

                                                     GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF WILDLIFE
                                                    MANAGEMENT PLAN (WMP) IN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA)  19
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28