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4.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE WMP                             (i) Assisting project proponents in better
                                                                  defining the scope of WMP and reports.
            The WMP aims to produce mitigation
            measures for possible impact on wildlife and        (ii) Improving the quality of WMP study and
            to ensure wildlife survival and its welfare is      reports by concentrating on relevant aspects
            considered    before   construction,   during                 to the proposed project.
            construction and operation phases.
                                                                   (iii) Ensuring the integration of wildlife
            Furthermore, the WMP is also required to               rescue activities included earlier in the
            achieve the following objectives                     project   planning and development cycle.

                                                               4.5 WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT PLAN
                  (i) To ensure that the process and
                    procedures to mitigate wildlife            PROCESS
                            can be done;                       Based on the project cycle analyses, the WMP
                                                               process    for   project    development     is
                                                               undertaken in three main stage processes.
                   (ii) To ensure the wildlife within
                     the proposed project areas                    (i) Project Proponents need to appoint
                          can be protected;                     environmental consultant to prepare a WMP.

                                                                   (ii) Environmental consultants need to
                                                                    submit the WMP to PERHILITAN for
                (iii) To ensure that the conflict wildlife                endorsement/approval.
                  caused by the construction can be
                  saved, herefore rescue operations              (iii) Endorsed/approved WMP need to be
                should be executed at the early stage             forwarded to DOE for acknowledgement.
                           of construction;

                                                               Table 4.1 shows details of the process of
               (iv) To ensure that all the development         developing  the  WMP  document.  Figure 2.3
                  activities before, during and after          presents the steps in managing the WMP
                  constructions are done according             document until PERHILITAN approves it.
               to the local laws (Wildlife Conservation
                             Acts 2010);

                (v) To ensure the safety of the human
                   including motorists, workers and
                    the surrounding communities;

                  (vi) To ensure the success of the
                rescue operation in order to increase
                   the survival of the translocated
                        wildlife in new habitat
                             (if needed).

            4.4 PURPOSE OF THE WMP

            The purpose of the WMP Guidelines is to
            ensure that the impact and conflicted wildlife
            are treated mannerly, consequently increase
            the chance of their survival in new habitat.
            Moreover, the Guidelines presented here are
            designed  to  improve  the  effectiveness  the
            present WMP procedures through:

                                                     GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF WILDLIFE
                                                    MANAGEMENT PLAN (WMP) IN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA)  23
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