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4.6 FORMAT OF THE WILDLIFE                         The WMP recognises the potential impacts on
            MANAGEMENT PLAN (WMP)                              wildlife and provides a means to decide by
                                                               the Project Proponent and the Qualified
            The WMP Report is structured according to          Person on the types of mitigation measures to
            the step-by-step procedures and shall at a         minimise any adverse impacts at an early
            minimum, contain the following chapters:           stage of project developments. It is therefore
            Chapters  1 to  7 with  their respective           directed to Project Proponents who may not
            supporting sections.                               be familiar with the WMP process and the
                                                               integration of technical aspects of the rescue
            The details discussed in Chapters 4 and 5          plan throughout the planning process.
            shall be tailored to suit the individual
            project     as     mitigation     measures         The WMP is a very useful management tool as
            recommended in the EIA report and the EIA          it has a broad range of strategies to evaluate
            approval conditions.                               and mitigate any negative impacts arising
                                                               from the development on wildlife. Moreover,
            The project activities that require a WMP          the WMP can improve the project and the
            document to complement EIA shall follow            biodiversity with the  correct use  of WMP
            the general specifications and format. The         tools. The relevance of this understanding is
            WMP document shall contain Chapters 1 to           important to ensure that Wildlife Rescue Plan
            7, as explained below, which can be                (WRP) is considered at the earliest possible
            summarised and illustrated in Table 4.2.           stage of project planning.

            The description for each of the chapters are       WMP must be forwarded to PERHILITAN by
            as follows;                                        environmental     project   consultants    for
                                                               approval    prior  to   submission    to  the
                       Chapter 1: Introduction                 Department of Environment (state level). The
                                                               Project Proponents will bear all costs in
            Provide information on:                            preparation of WMP and WRP. Delays in
                                                               submitting WMP are often led to a delay in
            i.  Project  layout  as  approved  in  the         project implementation. Therefore, it is
                Development     Order    by   the   Local      important to identify the possible impacts on
                Authority.                                     wildlife and provide mitigation measures at
            ii.  Project implementation schedule.              the early stages, during the pre-construction,
            iii. Name   of   the   WMP     preparer   and      construction and operation phases.
                consulting firm.
            iv. Objectives, scope and structure.                         Chapter 3: Baseline Data

                   Chapter 2: Method Statements                Gathering an ecological database is an
                                                               important prerequisite for undertaking WMP.
            The WMP is an essential part of overall project    Impact predictions by WMP depend on the
            development. Integration of the WMP process        understanding  of  cause-effect  relationships
            during early planning for the project offers       and the status and changes of the biological
            significant benefits to the project.               data.
            The following are some potential benefits of       The biological effects commonly associated
            integrating the WMP into project planning;         with project construction vary and depend on
                                                               their location and types of development. The
            i.  Ensures the project planning compliance        components     on    which   biological   and
                to biodiversity and development policies,      ecological data are required are well-defined
                helping project approval and awareness         by the WMP exercise. An inclusive database
                of any changes that need to be done later.     must be gathered so they can be studied
            ii.  Maintain   project    sustainability  by      sufficiently.
                identifying potential adverse impacts on
                wildlife to ensure the best mitigating         It is also very important that data gathering is
                measures are chosen.                           not necessarily limited to the project site but
            iii. Decrease the  negative  impacts  of a         may need to be extended to the surrounding
                project’s development and reduce or            area. For example, project construction may
                avoid potential human-wildlife conflicts.      cause habitat fragmentation, affecting wildlife
            iv. Permits for adopting good wildlife             crossing and population. In many cases, the
                management practices in  the project           location of  baseline studies  is determined
                would enhance the  project’s overall           following preliminary assessment work, which
                quality.                                       predicts where significant effects are likely to

                                                     GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF WILDLIFE
                                                    MANAGEMENT PLAN (WMP) IN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA)  25
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