Page 26 - WMP_Neat
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CHAPTER 4 project development phases; (i) planning, (ii)
pre-construction, (iii) construction, and (iv)
WMP REPORT PREPARATION The WMP process will involve a series of
actions includes identify, predict, assess the
impacts with the main goal is to provide
4.1 GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR mitigation measures in order to reduce the
PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION impact on wildlife within project area and its
The Wildlife Management Plan (WMP) is
defined as detailed process and procedures of
proposed mitigation measures designed to
mitigate (control or reduce) the predicted
impacts of a development project (e.g.
highways and dams) on wildlife and their
habitat in a more organised, efficient, and
comprehensive manner for the purpose of
conservation and optimal protection of fauna
and their habitat.
The WMP is a process to manage and resolve
wildlife issues regarding the impacts from
project activities and identify and mitigate
wildlife species in the proposed project area
and its surroundings. To be detailed, the WMP
study covers detailed identification of
possible impacts on wildlife, baseline surveys
and data gathering, wildlife monitoring,
prediction and evaluation of impacts, as well
as mitigation and abatement measures Construction, land clearing and other
(according to methodologies outlined in associated construction activities (e.g.,
Guidance for Wildlife Study in EIA). blasting, road construction, etc.) certainly
have direct impact on many wildlife species. A
The WMP is a concrete plan of action which is comprehensive wildlife rescue is compulsory
explicit, illustrative, action-oriented, for the purpose of conservation and to ensure
time-bound and definitive. The WMP the survival of wildlife affected during
document states in explicit terms what pre-construction, construction, and operation
actions will be taken, what measures will be phases. A detailed wildlife surveys and
instituted, what structures will be built, what monitoring as well as mitigation measures is
will be installed, when the actions will be required to reduce the impact on wildlife. The
executed; etc. in order to incorporate the WMP should be implemented in a long-term
wildlife management and mitigation measures basis to incorporate construction and
in the project activities and for the project operation phases.
activities to be compliant with the approval
conditions. The WMP is by nature a living The Guidelines will cover key information for:
document which needs to be revised and
updated when there exist certain (i) The Project Proponent to implement the
circumstances which demand changes to be mitigation measures to reduce the impact on
made. These factors may include changes to wildlife within the project area and its
project details and surrounding areas and surroundings;
inadequacy of the control measures to
comply with regulatory standards. (ii) The PERHILITAN to make the right
decision on the project, including preparation
4.2 SIGNIFICANT OF THE WMP of the conditions of approval; and
The WMP is produced to help the Project (iii) The public to understand the project and
Proponent when planning and designing new its potential impacts on wildlife and the
or expanding existing projects during four environment.