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Table 4.1: Details of the process of developing the WMP Document/Report. This is part of the step
and procedures adopted by PERHILITAN in preparing and submitting the Wildlife
Management Plan (WMP) document (See Figure 2.3).
Process Stage Details
In this stage, several reports and documents will be
reviewed, including:
i. The proposed design;
Stage 1 ii. Topographic maps;
iii. Land use map and category in project area and
along the alignment;
iv. EIA, DEIA, EMP, WMP reports;
v. Panel comments and feedback during one-stop
agencies meeting held at PERHILITAN
Headquarters; and
Understanding vi. Other relevant reports.
the project These reports and documents must be gathered from
the Project Proponent, PERHILITAN, DOE offices and
other related government agencies (e.g., Forestry
Series of data gathered from three main sources;
i. Primary data from field works and site visits;
Stage 2 ii. Secondary data from EIA and WMP reports and
documents; and
iii. Secondary data from interviewing and discussion
with related agencies and wildlife experts.
Data gathering These data need to be compiled and sorted for further
assessment and evaluation.
Wildlife issues related to the impacts of any
development project varies from one project to another
and are mostly influenced by several factors;
i. Project size;
Stage 3 ii. Type of project (e.g., hydropower plant, highway or
iii. Location of the project (e.g., crossing the forest or
along the forest boundary);
iv. Land use category within the project site and its
surroundings; and
v. Diversity of flora and fauna within the project site
and its surroundings (e.g., more diverse flora and
fauna is considered more sensitive).
Development comprising forested areas is considered
Understand the more sensitive (or creating more issues) to the wildlife
wildlife issues than non-forested areas (e.g., plantations and orchards).
Most of the data can be collected from reports,
documents, comments and panel discussions by related
government agencies (e.g., PERHILITAN and the
Forestry Department).
Brainstorming and discussion session among wildlife
experts, consultants and Project Proponents is required
Stage 4 to develop a wildlife management and rescue plan
framework. The framework should be applicable for
managing and solving the wildlife issues predicted to
occur before, during and after project implementation.
Apart conserving the wildlife, this plan also aims to
achieve these following objectives:
Design the Wildlife i. To ensure the safety and survival of wildlife;
Rescue Plan ii. To ensure the safety of human by reducing the
chance of wildlife-human conflict; and
Framework iii. To ensure that all development activities are within
the prescribed laws.
Stage 5
Like most other management plans, it needs to be put
Preparing the together in writing for documentation and
Management Plan implemented. The end product of this process is the
WMP Report and Wildlife Rescue Plan (if needed).
and Review