Page 168 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 168

Bowline on a Bight

               The bowline on a bight is a neat and clever way

               of making a pair of loops in the middle of a
               piece of rope (the bight) without having to tuck
               the ends. If the strain is not being taken equally

               by both of the standing ends, then it is sensible
               to tie off the short standing end with a half hitch

               or overhand knot.

               1 With the rope double form a crossing turn and bring

                   the bight out of the center of the crossing turn as the
                   start of a bowline method #2 (see pages 164-65).
               2 Take the bight that has come up through the crossing

                   and enlarge it so it will go over the double rope loop.
               3 Lift up the double rope loop and bring the bight of the
                   rope behind the loops and crossing turn—it should be

                   behind the standing part pair of ropes. Tighten the
                   bight round the standing parts.
               4 The finished knot.

         Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

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