Page 220 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 220

Right-Angle Splice

                                                                     This is a useful splice to be used where
                                                                     one rope needs to join at right angles
                                                                     to another rope the same size or even

                                                                     a little bigger. For example, if you are
                                                                     making up a rope ladder, a scramble,

                                                                      bowsprit, or other heavy net.

                                                                      1 Unlay the strands of the rope that will be

                                                                         used to join the main rope. Spread the
                                                                         strands flat. Tuck the left-hand strand
                                                                         against the lay of the rope under two of

                                                                         the strands in the main rope.
                                                                      2 Tuck the middle strand under one strand.
                                                                         It will come out of the same exit point as
                                                                         the first strand.

                                                                     3 Tuck the third strand under two strands,
                                                                         this time going in at the same point as the

                                                                         middle strand went in.

          Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

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