Page 247 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 247
Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
7 4 Keeping the twist in the “ear,” move the
right “ear” over the top of the left “ear.”
5 Weave the right-hand end down, over,
under, under, over, and out at the
opposite corner of the mat.
6 The reason for going under two in the
middle with the first end is to provide a
complete under, over, under, over, under
path for the second strand to follow. This
locks the whole interweave pattern in place.
7 One of the ends can now start to double
the mat.
8 The finished mat doubled. It could, of
course, also be trebled or even followed
round four or five times if enough material
is available. It will require careful working
into an even shape.