Page 242 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 242
Bosun’s Whistle Lanyard Knot
This knot is known by many names, 1 Make a carrick bend (see page 114) with
including bosun’s whistle lanyard the working ends coming out on top on
knot, marlinespike lanyard knot, opposite corners of the knot.
sailor’s knife lanyard knot, two-strand 2 Take the right-hand working -end round in
a counterclockwise direction going over
diamond knot, single-strand diamond
Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
the left standing part and then up through
knot, or just plain lanyard knot.
the middle of the carrick bend.
Whichever name you adopt, you will
3 Take the left-hand working end round in a
have a beautiful knot tied with two
counterclockwise direction going over the
strands of rope. Notice that the start
right standing part and then up through
is a carrick bend with the working
the middle of the carrick bend.
ends diagonally opposite each other.
4 Pull tight to complete the knot—you may
have to work the slack out of the knot
with a spike.