Page 78 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 78

West Country Whipping

                                                                                      First described by George
                                                                                    Biddlecombe in The Art of

                                                                                            Rigging in 1848, the
                                                                                      best use for this whipping

                                                                                    is to hold together the ends
                                                                                        of a large rope or cable.
                                                                                       The very first knot stops

                                                                                     any movement of the rope
                                                                                               ends. The series of

                                                                                             overhand knots tied
                                                                                       round the rope, working
                                                                                          back from the end and

                                                                                          finished off with a reef
                                                                                               knot, ensures that,

                                                                                             should the whipping
                                                                                                      start to come
                                                                                              undone, it will take

                                                                                             a good while before
                                                                                             failing completely—

                                                                                            and the loose ends of
                                                                                                the whipping will
         Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
                                                                                            draw attention to the
                                                                                             problem so it can be

                                                                                              repaired before any
                                                                                                  harm can occur.
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