Page 81 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 81

Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

                                                                                 Start with a clove hitch or
                                                                                 constrictor knot round the

                                                                                 end of the rope. One end
                                                                                 of the whipping twine
                                                                                 should be short, the other

                                                                                 With the long end make a
                                                                                 half hitch round the rope

                                                                                 trapping the short end.
                                                                                 Continue to make a series
                                                                                 of half hitches round the
                                                                                 rope. Work away from the

                                                                                 end of the rope until the
                                                                                 whipping is long enough,

                                                                                 pulling each half hitch as
                                                                                 tight as possible.
                                                                                 Tie an overhand knot in the
                                                                                 end of the whipping twine

                                                                                 and work it as close to the
                                                                                 last half hitch as possible.
                                                                                 This should stop the

                                                                                 hitches working loose.
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