Page 21 - booklet draft
P. 21

B). Major Blocks given

                Block Type             BCM            RUB/ROB/FOB              OHE                CSM
                                      No of                No of              No of          No of    No of
                                Blocks     Hours     Blocks Blocks Blocks          Hours    Blocks    Hours

                   APL-22          96      268:30       17      15:45      17      51:36       19      48:42
                  May-22           57      156:15       12      19:40      24      64:18       12      33:15
                   Jun-22          87      258:10       3       07:30      36      115:27      21      58:25
                   Jul-22          66      236:50       2       04:35      94      322:52      36     108:45
                  Aug-22          103      318:51       2       04:18      30      86:42       53     159:13
                   Sep-22          80      225:15       0       00:00      25      69:29       32      91:05

                   Oct-22          54      157:24       13      26:05      14      33:47       30      91:07
                    Total         543     1621:15      49      77:53      240     744:11      203     590:32

                   Block Type                PQRS                      TWS                       NI

                                             No of                    No of                    No of
                                      Blocks       Hours       Blocks       Blocks      Blocks       Hours
                     APL-22              0          00:00         13         37:30         1         03:00
                    May-22               1          03:30         16         44:30         0         00:00
                     Jun-22              6          17:35         17         44:31         10        37:52
                     Jul-22              5          14:00         10         27:35         32        123:25
                     Aug-22              6          17:15         20         50:55         6         14:13

                     Sep-22              5          13:10         17         43:00         7         18:35
                     Oct-22              8          22:45         15         40:50         0         00:00
                      Total             31         88:15         108        288:51         56        197:05

               C). Total Blocks for important works

                Sl No.   Type of Block                                               No. of        Total Hours
                  1      RUB                                                           31              42:15
                  2      ROB                                                           13              26:05
                  3      FOB                                                            5              9:33
                  4      Engineering& Other Department Blocks                        16662            22838
                              *Average block hours per day = 106.71 hours.

               3. SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS:

               GCT’s commissioned:

                   A. Commissioning of GCT JVR-OC /Sattupalli – 28.05.22
                   B. Commissioning of GCT M/S Rani & Others GCT on 20.09.2022.
                   C. Commissioning of M/S Shree cements limited GCT on 24.09.2022.
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26