Page 33 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
P. 33

Journalism Advanced Newspaper – 215515                Intensive English Language Development, Year One –
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12           216300
                             1 Year Course                               10 credits            Grades(s) 9-12
                UC Requirement                 g                                   1 Year Course
               CSU Requirement              Elective                   School Site(s)        BCHS, LHS, MCHS,
                 School Site(s)              BCHS                                                MHS, THS
            Description:  This course is designed to produce the   Description:  This is the first year of a two year stand
            student newspaper.  Students will be responsible for   alone, intensive, accelerated reading/language arts
            developing and publishing  of the paper.  Duties will   program.  This is the second period of a two period
            include all functions of the newspaper; interviewing and   course for students who are two or more years below
            reporting;  writing of news, features, sports, and    grade level in reading.
            editorials; editing; advertising responsibilities; and
            business procedures.  Applications for editor positions   Intensive Reading Intervention, Year Two
            are open to  those who have worked  on the school     (Read 180)  211100
            newspaper previously or who have successfully
            completed Introduction to Journalism.  This course may       10 credits            Grades(s) 9-12
            be repeated for credit.  This English curriculum is based              1 Year Course
            on the California Content Standards for English-           School Site(s)        BCHS, LHS, MCHS,
            Language Arts.                                                                       MHS, THS
                                                                  Description:  This is the second year of a two year stand
            Competitive Speech– 212210                            along, intensive and accelerated reading/language arts
                   15 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12           program.  This is the first period of a two period course
                              1 Year Course                       for students who have successfully completed year one.
                UC Requirement                 g                  This course meets high school graduation requirements
               CSU Requirement              Elective              for English  credit.    This course fulfills  English
                 School Site(s)           BCHS, LHS               graduation requirement.   Mandatory  pairing with
            Description:  This course is open to any grade level and   Intensive English Language Development.
            may be repeated for credit through the senior year.
            Debate students work on researching the annual debate   Intensive English Language Development, Year Two –
            topic and organizing the research to be used in       216400
            competition.  Students are expected to work daily in         10 credits            Grades(s) 9-12
            class  and  must compete in a  majority of the                         1 Year Course
            tournaments scheduled.  Tournament speech deals with       School Site(s)        BCHS, LHS, MCHS,
            individual competitive units.  The  class  offers  up  to                            MHS, THS,
            7 1/2 units (per semester) for class work and         Description:  This is the second year of a two year stand
            competition. Students excelling in  certain events have   alone, intensive, accelerated reading/language arts
            the opportunity to compete in statewide and possibly   program.  This is the second period of a two period
            nationwide tournaments.  League competition meets on   course for students who have successfully completed
            Saturdays and usually occurs every three weeks.       year one.

            Intensive Reading Intervention, Year One              English Language Support 213700, 213800
             (Read 180) 211000                                           10 credits            Grades(s) 9-12
                   10 credits            Grades(s) 9-12                            1 Year Course
                             1 Year Course                             School Site(s)      BCHS, IHS, LHS, MCHS,
                 School Site(s)        BCHS, LHS, MCHS,                                          MHS, THS
                                           MHS, THS               Description:   This is a course designed for English
            Description:  This is the first year of a two year stand   Learners who have  completed Intensive Reading
            alone, intensive, accelerated reading/language arts   Intervention Year one and two and have reached grade
            program.  This is the first period of a two period course   level lexile proficiency.   This courses main curriculum
            for students  who are two or more years below grade   focus on reading writing,  written and  oral language
            level in reading achievement and whose academic       conventions, listening and speaking.  Must be
            achievement is two or more  years below grade level.     concurrently enrolled in grade level English CP.
            This course fulfills  English graduation requirements.
            Mandatory pairing with Intensive English Language

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