Page 35 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
P. 35

and consumerism, fashion and wardrobe planning,       affect various areas of life including interpersonal
            nutrition and meal preparation, housing decisions, and   skills,  relationships,  marriage,  divorce,  human
            leadership with in FCLAA  provides assistance in      reproduction, family planning, coping with crises, aging
            finding satisfaction and balance in work, personal and   and death.  The course also covers the development of
            family life.   Completion of the Life Management I    the unborn, prenatal care,  childbirth, infant/child
            course is recommended but not required to take Life   growth and development, understanding children, and
            Management II.                                        the responsibilities of parenthood.

            Consumer Foods and Nutrition I – 436100               Developmental Child Psychology – 432110, 432143
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12           LHS – 432110, THS – 432143
                              1 Year Course                               10 Credits
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, MHS, THS               THS Grade(s) 11-12
            Description:  This course is designed to present the       LHS Grade(s) 10           Earn College
            fundamentals of food preparation and the importance of      1 Year Course               Units
            meal management.   Other  skills taught include use   UC Requirement                 g
            and care of equipment and  appliances, safety in the   CSU Requirement     Elective
            kitchen, food sanitation,  kitchen organization, food       School Site(s)             LHS, THS
            buying, food  preservation,  use of consumer resources   Description:  As part of an Education and Child
            and agencies, and the relationship of nutrition and   Development Pathway, this class is the second career-
            physical fitness  to good health. Students may also   technical class for the Child-Centered Careers and
            explore careers in the food industry.                 Occupational  Opportunities (C3O2) Academy.  During
                                                                  the year, the students study major physical, cognitive,
            Consumer Foods and Nutrition Advanced - 436180        and social-emotional developmental  stages of children
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12           from conception through adolescence.  The principle
                              1 Year Course                       theories of development, the  impact of families, school
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, MHS, THS          and culture as well as atypical development are also
            Description:  This course is an extension of Consumer   addressed.  This course  is relevant for students
            Foods and Nutrition.  It is designed for the student who   interested in a career working with children.  Students
            would like to attain  advanced skills in cooking      will also explore these careers while working with an
            experiences, food  nutrition and preparation, meal    adult mentor who has a similar career.  This course is
            planning, appliances, food service, and foods related   aligned with CTE Standards  in the Education, Child
            career exploration. Students need to be available for   Development, and Family Services Industry Sector,
            projects specific to individual school sites.         incorporates FCCLA standards and is on the UC a-g
            Food Science – 447100
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12           Exploration in Education – 435440
                              1 Year Course                       (APPLE Academy Students Only)
                 School Site(s)            LHS, MHS                      10 Credits              Grade(s) 11
            Description:  Food science is the study of the                          1 Year Course
            production, processing, preparation, evaluation  and      UC Requirement                 g
            utilization of food.  The emphasis is on the physical and   School Site(s)              LHS
            chemical changes and reactions that occur in food     Description:   This course is the second year technical
            preparation.  This course uses equipment and supplies   core class in the Education Academy.  Students explore
            from both foods and science laboratories.  Students are   the foundations of education, learning style and
            required to use the scientific method  to study the   curriculum development.  Students are matched with
            biological  and chemical bases of nutrition and food   an adult mentor and are expected to complete specific
            preparation, preservation and processing.  Valid      assignments related to education.  Students visit
            scientific experiments are included.  Students develop   classrooms, observe teachers and students, organize,
            critical thinking skills through measuring, recording   plan and implement Lodi High School’s Play School.
            data, graphing, predicting,  evaluating and writing lab
            results.  This is not a cooking class.  This course may be
            used to fulfill 10 credits of the required life or physical
            science graduation requirement.                           HEALTH/DRIVERS EDUCATION

            Human Relations/Parenting – 432300                    Health – 253500/Drivers Education – 254500
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12               2.5 Credits Each           Grade(s) 9
                             1 Year Course                                       1 Semester Course
                 School Site(s)           BCHS, MHS                    School Site(s)      BCHS, IHS, LHS, MHS,
            Description:   The course of study concentrates on the                                  THS
            roles and responsibilities of young adults.  Students will   Description:   The semester  is divided into Driver’s
            explore life-long skills for  managing resources as they   Education and Health  &  Safety.  Driver’s Education
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