Page 40 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
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same time, the design and implementation of computer
            AP Probability and Statistics – 248316                programs is  used as  a context for introducing other
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12           important  aspects of computer science, including the
                              1 Year Course                       development  and   analysis  of  algorithms,  the
                UC Requirement                 c                  development and use of fundamental data structures,
               CSU Requirement               Math                 the study of standard algorithms and typical
                 School Site(s)      BCHS, LHS, MHS, THS          applications, and the use of logic and formal methods.
            Description:   This course covers exploratory data    In addition, the responsible use of these systems is an
            analysis, data collection,  probability, and statistical   integral part of the course.  This AP course uses the
            inference and parallels a college level statistics course.     JAVA programming language, currently the top
            The course draws connections between all aspects of the   programming language worldwide.
            statistical process, including design, analysis, and
            conclusions.  The student will be prepared to take the   Applied Mathematics with Robotics - 465900
            advanced placement exam in the spring.  Successful       10 Credits                                           Grade(s) 9-12
            completion of the exam  will give the student one                      1 Year Course
            semester of college credit for introductory statistics at   School Site                BCHS
            most colleges and universities.  Students may be placed   Description:  The goal of this course is to  teach
            in this course based on the application process used in   mathematics through the use of robotics and to develop
            Honors/AP courses. Students are  strongly encouraged   21  century skills like:  cooperation and collaboration,
            to take the AP exam.                                  teamwork and problem  solving, critical thinking and
                                                                  creativity  Students will learn how mathematics is  a
            Foundations of Computer Science - 466110              crucial part of technology and how it directly affects the
                  10 Credits                           Grade(s) 9-12   creation of the robotics that they build.
                             1 Year Course
                UC Requirement                 g                  Math Tutor – 249700
               CSU Requirement               Math                        10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12
                 School Site(s)               LHS                                   1 Year Course
             Description:   This course  introduces students to the    School Site(s)         BCHS, IHS, LHS
            breadth of the field of computer science through an   Minimum GPA requirement for all sites
            exploration of engaging and accessible topics.  The focus   Description:   Students perform various tasks  as
            is on the conceptual ideas of computing and helping   assigned by the instructor and work with individual
            students understand why certain tools  or languages   students on a one-to-one basis or with small groups of
            might be utilized to solve particular problems, rather   students.  Students assist the instructor during
            than focusing the entire course on learning particular   activities carried out by the class.
            software tools or programming languages.  Strong
            problem solving skills will be needed and used.  The
            course goal is to develop in students the computational
            practices of algorithm development, problem solving            PHYSICAL EDUCATION
            and programming within the context of problems that
            are relevant to the lives of today’s students.  Students   Physical Education 1 – 250000
            will also  be introduced to topics  such as human            10 Credits              Grade(s) 9
            interface design, limits of computers, introduction to                 1 Year Course
            robotics, and societal  and ethical issues.  No prior      School Site(s)      BCHS, IHS, LHS, MCHS,
            computer hardware or software knowledge is necessary.                                MHS, THS
            Assessment will be based on homework, teamwork, and   Description:  Students  are  offered a wide variety of
            projects; there will be no tests.                     team  and individual sports and activities. Students
                                                                  take part in a fitness program that includes exercising
            AP Computer Science A – 465716                        and running. Units of study include, but are not limited
               10 Credits                                     Grade(s) 11-12   to, volleyball, tennis, tumbling, track and field, ultimate
                             1 Year Course                        frisbee, badminton,  conditioning and weight training,
                UC Requirement                 g                  swimming, square dance,  golf, basketball, volleyball,
                  School Site              LHS, THS               tennis, flag football, self defense, soccer, softball, indoor
            Description:  The AP Computer Science A course is an   hockey,  pickle  ball,  project  adventure  and
            introductory  course in college-level computer science.    nontraditional  games.  Communication,  honesty,
            Because the design and implementation of  computer    sportsmanship, and teamwork are emphasized through
            programs to  solve problems involve skills that are   physical activity and sport. Lessons on HIV/AIDS will
            fundamental to the study of  computer science, a large   be incorporated into the curriculum. .A primary goal of
            part of the course is built  around the development of   this course is to develop a life-long interest in physical
            computer programs that correctly solve a given        fitness.
            problem.  These programs  should be understandable,
            adaptable, and, when appropriate, reusable.  At the
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