Page 37 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
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engineering.   The major focus of the IED course is to   students will  learn how to connect sensors and other
            expose students to design process,  research and      input to the internet to solve problems.  This is a hand
            analysis, teamwork,  communication methods, global    on lab class where students will code, invent in pairs.
            and human impacts, engineering standards, and
            technical documentation.   IED gives  students  the   Electric Vehicle Technology - 591070
            opportunity to develop skills  and understanding of       10 Credits                                    Grade(s) 10-12
            course concepts through activity-, project-, and problem               1 Year Course
            based (APPB) learning.  Used in combination with  a          School Site                THS
            teaming approach, APPB-learning challenges students   This course is designed to educate students about the
            to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative   design, construction and assembly of electric vehicles.
            abilities and  understanding of the design process.  It   The course describes sequential procedures for
            also allows students to develop strategies to enable and   assembling a production  Electric Vehicle (EV).  The
            direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of   resulting vehicle will  be a  fully operational Electric
            education.                                            Vehicle with direct current (DC) drive train.

            Principles of Engineering – Pending                   Woodworking 1 – 553100
            10 Credits                                                Grade (s) 11-12   10 Credits   Grade(s) 9-12
                             1 Year Course                                          1 Year Course
                                                                       School Site(s)               LHS
            School Site (s)                 THS                   Description:  This is an introductory course in the use of
            Description: Principles of Engineering (POE) is a high   both hand and power tool  construction.  Emphasis  is
            school-level survey course of engineering.  The course   placed on the safe use of  power equipment and the
            exposes students to  some  of the major concepts that   appropriate use of hand tools. The course covers basic
            they will encounter in a  post-secondary engineering   wood joints, fastening methods, sanding and finishing.
            course of study.  Through problems that engage and    It is important that students avoid late enrollment as
            challenge, students explore a broad range of          safety instruction and demonstrations begin in the first
            engineering topics, including mechanisms, the strength   week.
            of structures and materials, and automation.  Students
            develop ski8lls in problem solving, research, and design   Woodworking 3 – 553180
            while  learning  strategies  for  design  process            10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12
            documentation, collaboration, and presentation.                         1 Year Course
                                                                       School Site(s)               LHS
            Civil Engineering and Architecture – 557510           Description:  Emphasis is placed on students acquiring
            BETA – 557545                                         a  higher  degree  of  skill  and  craftsmanship.
                   10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12           Dependability, safety, good work habits, and shop
                              1 Year Course                       maintenance are stressed. Students are required to
                UC Requirement                 g                  complete projects of their  own design using advanced
                 School Site(s)               LHS                 woodworking techniques. This course may be repeated

            Description:  The major focus of the Civil Engineering   for credit.
            and Architecture (CEA) course is a long-term project
            that involves the development  of a local property site.    Industrial Arts Tutor – 569700
            As students learn about various aspects of civil             10 Credits            Grade(s) 11-12
            engineering and architecture, they apply what they                     1 Year Course
            learn to the design and development of this property.      School Site(s)           BCHS, LHS
            The course provides freedom to the teacher and        Minimum GPA required for all sites
            students to develop the property as a simulation or to   Description:   Students perform various tasks  as
            students to model the real world experiences that civil   assigned by the instructor and work with individual
            engineers and architects experience when developing   students on a one-to-one basis or with small groups of
            property.                                             students.  Students assist the instructor during
                                                                  activities carried out by the class.
            Inventing “Smart” Objects:  Introduction  to Code and
            Smart Design – 590770
            10 Credits                                         Grade(s) 9-12
            Class Restrictions: None
            1 Year Course                 Earn College
            Location: MHS                    Units

            Description: This yearlong  class will introduce how to
            connect code  with microprocessors to solve problems
            and create unique interactive experiences.  In this class,
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