Page 36 - 2019-20 H. S Course Catalog FINAL_Neat
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must be completed before behind-the-wheel training    Automotive Services – 565570
            may be taken.  Health & Safety includes overall health   10-20 Credits                                         Grade(s) 11-12
            awareness (mental/emotional, social & physical health)   Class Restrictions:
            and understanding the health of the body systems and   Lodi High students           Earn College
            disease prevention.  Students learn the importance of   have priority                  Units
            drug awareness including tobacco, alcohol, and other
            drugs, and are introduced to first aid.               Location: Lodi High
            ______________________________________                Description: This two-hour course trains in the
                                                                  adjustment and repair of  autos, including suspension
                        INDUSTRIAL ARTS                           and  brake  systems,  emission  controls,  engine
                                                                  diagnosis, tune-ups, air conditioning  and engine
              CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION                          rebuilding.  Students train on the Allen computer and
                                                                  other diagnostic equipment.  Grade B or better qualifies
            Auto Mechanics 1 – 565200                             for College Credit.

                   10 Credits                                     Diesel Technology – 590570
                 1 Year Course            Earn College                   10 Credits                       Grade(s) 11-12
                 Grade(s) 9-12               Units                                 1 Year Course

                 School Site(s)         BCHS, LHS, THS                 School Site(s)              LHS
            Description:  This course is designed to  give students   Description:  This  class  is designed to  give technical
            fundamental information and skills in the construction   information and develop skills in executing work on
            of the automobile and  the operational needs of       various diesel equipped vehicles and diesel equipment.
            automobile maintenance.  Students  are  introduced to   Basic instruction will be given through practical work
            major automotive components through practical         on diesel engines and related  mock-ups in the
            application projects. Areas  to be included are shop   preparation  for  employment  in  various  heavy
            safety, names of and the appropriate use of power tools,   equipment, agricultural, and small diesel industries.
            fundamental principles, and construction of the internal
            combustion engine.   Also covered are the automobile’s   Drafting Advanced – 570780
            chassis, suspension, brake, fuel, lubrication, electrical    10 Credits
            systems and emission controls. To earn 9 College units     1 Year Course            Earn College
            students must:                                             Grade(s) 10-12              Units
                  Take this course AND                                School Site(s)               LHS
                  Take Advanced Automotive Technology AND        Description:   This course is designed for the student
                  Earn a Grade B or better in both courses       desiring additional study in mechanical drafting.
                                                                  Advanced computer-aided  drafting methods, including
            Auto Mechanics 3 – 565280                             three-dimensional modeling and dimensional practices
                   10 Credits             Grade(s) 9-12           are emphasized.  Study centers around the design and
                             1 Year Course                        development of products through the use of detail and
                 School Site(s)         BCHS, LHS, THS            assembly drawings. Students are encouraged to join
            Description:  This course builds on knowledge gained in   VICA and participate in regional, state, and national
            introductory automotive  class.  This is an in-depth   drafting competitions. Grade B or better qualifies for
            study of the  automobile, covering specific aspects of   College Credit. Please see pages 10 - 12.
            maintenance  and/or repair. This course is designed to
            further the student’s knowledge of the automobile and   Architectural Design Advanced – 570380
            to develop the necessary skills in the related automotive    10 Credits            Grade(s) 10-12
            fields. The student puts into practice  the technical                   1 Year Course
            knowledge learned in the introductory class. Depending     School Site(s)               LHS
            upon site needs, students enrolled in this course may   Description:  This course is  designed for students
            need a vehicle for shop activities.  To earn 9 College   desiring additional study in architecture and the
            units students must:                                  building industry.   During  the year, students  will
                  Take this course AND                           design a house and prepare a set of working drawings
                  Take Introduction to the Automobile AND        using AutoCAD and Architectural Desktop software.
                  Earn a Grade B or better in both courses
                                                                  Introduction to Engineering Design – 557310
                                                                        10 Credits                              Grade(s) 9-12
                                                                                   1 Year Course
                                                                  UC Requirement                     g
                                                                        School Site(s)           LHS, THS
                                                                  Description:  Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
                                                                  is a high school level course that is appropriate for 9
                                                                  or 10  grade students who are interested in design and
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