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 #26306-EYAL - 26306-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-08-14 | 12:05:15 | SR:-- | Black 26306-EYAL - 26306-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-08-14 | 12:05:15 | SR:-- | Yellow 26306-EYAL - 26306-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-08-14 | 12:05:15 | SR:-- | Magenta 26306-EYAL - 26306-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-08-14 | 12:05:15 | SR:-- | Cyan
 #26306-EYAL - 26306-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-08-14 | 12:05:15 | SR:-- | Black 26306-EYAL - 26306-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-08-14 | 12:05:15 | SR:-- | Yellow 26306-EYAL - 26306-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-08-14 | 12:05:15 | SR:-- | Magenta 26306-EYAL - 26306-EYAL | 2 - A | 18-08-14 | 12:05:15 | SR:-- | Cyan
 66  3 Y-MK1-431                            51
 Y-MK1-431  inner parts to be cleaned more effectively. Please   • Place  the pre-cleaned  accessories  into  the   en
          released five times during cleaning to allow the
 REMARQUE  • The file clip must be squeezed together and then   Step-by-step procedure
          note that disinfectant used for pre-treatment is
                                              (e.g. CIDEZYME , ENZOL  Enzymatic Detergent
 La ligne apicale  indique la position de   only for personal protection and does not obviate   cleaning bath for the prescribed contact time
          the need for disinfection once cleaning has been
 la pointe de l’instrument à l’intérieur du   completed. Pre-treatment should never be omitted.  Solutions, Johnson & Johnson Medical, 0.8%
 canal :                                      for 1 minute); make sure that the products are
 fr  •  section bleue :                       fully immersed (if necessary, use a soft brush to
 zone d’alerte proche de la région apicale  WARNINGS  carefully brush them down). The file clip must be
                                              squeezed together and then released five times
 •  sections jaune et verte :                 during cleaning to allow the inner parts to be
 région apicale  Do not use automated processes for   cleaned more effectively.
              cleaning or disinfecting the accessories.
 Fig. 13  Section apicale - jaune  •  barre rouge :    4  • Then, remove the accessories from the cleaning
 foramen apical                               bath and rinse them off thoroughly at least three
                                              times for one minute each time with sterile,
 La progression de l’instrument dans la partie Zoom   deionized water; when you rinse it, squeeze the file
 apical est accompagnée de signaux sonores qui   Dépassement de la zone  8.2.2  Manual cleaning and disinfection   clip together and then release it five times.
 indiquent la position de la pointe de l’instrument.   Lorsque la pointe de l’instrument a dépassé le fo-  • Next, place the accessories in an ultrasonic
 Plus l’intervalle entre les signaux est court, plus   ramen apical, le point rouge s’allume dans l’image   When choosing cleaning agents and disinfectants,   bath with a cleaning agent (e.g. CIDEZYME ,
 l’instrument s’approche de l’apex.  Zoom apical et des signaux d’alerte retentissent   make sure that  ENZOL  Enzymatic Detergent Solutions, Johnson &
 (Fig. 15).  • They are suitable for cleaning or disinfecting   Johnson Medical, 0.8% for 20 minutes); make sure
 Lorsque le foramen apical est atteint, la ligne de-  instruments  that the products are fully immersed (if necessary,
 vient rouge et les signaux se transforment en un   use a soft brush to carefully brush them down).
 son continu (Fig. 14).  • You use a disinfectant with proven efficacy (e.g.   The file clip must be squeezed together and then
          with VAH/DGHM or FDA certification or CE mark)   released five times during cleaning to allow the
          and that the disinfectant is compatible with the   inner parts to be cleaned more effectively.
          cleaning agent                      • Then, remove the accessories from the
          • The  chemicals  used  are  compatible  with   ultrasonic bath and rinse them off thoroughly at
          the accessories (see section 8.2.7, "Material   least three times for one minute each time with
          resistance").                       sterile, deionized water; when you rinse it, squeeze
          Combined cleaning/disinfection products should   the file clip together and then release it five times.
          only be used if the instruments are only slightly
          contaminated (no visible contamination/remnants).
          Comply with the concentrations and contact   Disinfection
          times specified by the manufacturers of the
 Fig. 15  Foramen apical dépassé - point rouge  cleaning agents and disinfectants, as well as their   • Once  the  accessories  have  been  cleaned
          instructions regarding the intensity of subsequent   and inspected, place them into the disinfection
          rinsing.                            bath for the prescribed contact time (e.g.
 Fig. 14  Foramen apical - barre rouge        Cidex OPA, Johnson & Johnson Medical, 100% for
          Use only freshly prepared solutions, water that is   20 minutes); the accessories must be sufficiently
          sterile or has a low microbe content (< 10 cfu/ml)   immersed in the solution.  The file clip must be
 AVERTISSEMENT  and a low endotoxin content (< 0.25 EU/ml, e.g.   squeezed together and then released five times
 Comme pour tous les localisateurs élec-  purified water (PW/HPW)), and filtered, oil-free air   during disinfection to allow the inner parts to be
 troniques d’apex, l’échelle sur l’image   for drying.  disinfected more effectively.
 du Zoom apical ne correspond pas à des   Make sure that the accessories are not in direct
          contact with one another.

                                 Endo Easy Efficient ®
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