Page 4 - Straive Culture Document
P. 4

We are on

           a Journey

           Our behavior shapes our culture.
           Our culture transforms our values.

           Our values guide us towards our vision.

           At every step, we consciously strive to be better and create a

           workplace that radiates positive energy, excites our employees
           and customers, leads with innovation and is infused with a deep

           sense of commitment to our people and to our customers.

           These are our cornerstones for self-assessment,

           centered on culture, and our road map for the cultural
           development that we envision together:

                         We learn how to practice
                         each value

                         We envision a future where
                         each value is second nature
                         to us

                         We keep each value

                         alive and real in all
                         our dealings

                         We revere each
                         value and create
                         a shared
                         commitment to
                         be better
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