Page 19 - The Official FIAP Book
P. 19

2.2.4.   The  various  types  of  memberships  have  specific  rights  with  respect  to  the
                             General  Assembly  and  photographic  events.  These  rights  are  described  in
                             specific chapters.

               2.3. Termination of the Operational Member title

                     2.3.1.   Termination of membership as  Operational Member by resignation, dissolution
                             or  due  to  non-payment  of  fees  or  other  debts  to  FIAP  is  announced
                             automatically  by  the  Directory  Board  and  validated  during  the  following
                             General Assembly.

                     2.3.2.   Removal for infringement of the statutes and regulations of  FIAP, for serious
                             faults, loss of representation in a Country or for any fact that may damage the
                             interests of FIAP or of its members is submitted by the Directory Board. The
                             members  concerned  shall  be  given  the  opportunity  to  present,  within  a
                             reasonable period of time, their defence regarding the reasons that justify their
                             removal, which shall be announced during the following general assembly by a
                             majority of two thirds of the votes.

               2.4. Termination of the Adhering Member title

                     2.4.1.   Termination  of  the  membership  as  regional  or  local  adhering  member  by
                             resignation, dissolution or due to non-payment of fees or other debts to FIAP is
                             announced automatically by the Directory Board.

                     2.4.2.   Removal for infringement of the statutes and regulations of  FIAP, for serious
                             faults or any fact that may damage the interests of FIAP of its members shall
                             be announced by the Directory Board by a majority of two thirds of the votes
                             after  the  interested  members  are  given  the  opportunity  to  present,  within  a
                             reasonable period of time, their defence regarding the reasons that justify their

                     2.4.3.   The termination of individual adhering membership is automatic in the case of
                             termination of affiliation with an Operational Member.

              2.5. Autonomy of Operational Members and Individual Members

                     2.5.1.   FIAP undertakes to respect the autonomy of its various members, with regard
                             to  their  statutes  and  regulations,  the  composition  of  their  governing  bodies,
                             their internal rates and their organizations and activities.

                     2.5.2.   Any  photographic  activity  of  an  international  nature  sought,  sponsored  or
                             organized  by  FIAP  in  a  Country,  cannot  happen  without  the  consent  of  the
                             Operational Member of that Country, unless the Directory Board has decided
                             unanimously that the behaviour of this Operational Member in that country is
                             preventing the development of FIAP.


               3.1.   Participation in the General Assembly is governed by the statutes. The GA is convened
                     by the Directory Board once a year between the months of August and December and
                     meets every two years in Congress. The debates of the General Assembly are in the
                     official  FIAP  languages  but  the  organizer  may  add  one  or  several  languages,  on
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