Page 21 - The Official FIAP Book
P. 21

4.1.   The Directory Board is the highest authority for management and administration. The
                     Chairperson,  the  Secretary  General  and  the  Treasurer  may  avail  themselves  of  the
                     Services that they deem will provide direct assistance.

               4.2.   At  the  request  of  the  Directory  Board,  the  Congress  may  create  Committees  of
                     specialists, which the Directory Board may task of investigating specific issues. The
                     opinion  given  by  the  Committees  is  advisory.  Once  their  mission  is  completed,  the
                     Directory Board may terminate their mandate.

               4.3.    The Directory Board shall meet in any place or time it deems appropriate, but at least
                     once a year. Decisions may also be taken by correspondence. During the meetings of
                     the  Directory  Board,  any  elected  member  on  the  board  is  invested  with  an
                     international  mandate  and  will  not  represent  any  specific  Country.  Only  elected
                     members  on  the  Directory  Board  may  attend  meetings.  During  the  sessions,  the
                     Chairperson may appeal to the presidents of Committees, Services executives or any
                     other person in order to facilitate the debates or to gather information on specific points.
                     The  minutes  of  each  meeting  of  the  Directory  Board  must  be  published  within  4
                     months after the meeting.

               4.4. A double signature is required for all financial transaction greater than € 15,000 (fifteen


               5.1.   The  Biennials  are  managed  by  the  Service  of  the  FIAP  Biennials,  which  are
                     governed by the document on the Biennials.

                     5.1.1.   Any member may request to hold a FIAP Biennale. The request must be
                             addressed to the FIAP Biennials Services through an Operational Member
                             of their Country, when applicable.

                     5.1.2.   Only Operational Members can participate in the Biennials.

               5.2.   The Patronage of Fairs is managed by the Patronage Service. Patronage is governed
                     by the document concerning Patronages.

                     5.2.1.   Patronages are requested to  FIAP through an Operational  Member of that
                             Country.  If no  Operational  Member  exists,  the request  may  be  made  via  a
                             Regional Member of the Country. Similarly, if no Regional Member exists, a
                             Local Member may submit the request themselves.

               5.3.   The Auspices for photographic events are managed by the president of FIAP and the
                     Patronage Service. They are governed by the document on Auspices.

                     5.3.1.   Requests for Auspices shall be addressed to FIAP in the same way as
                             applications for Patronages.

               5.4.   Distinctions  are  managed  by  the  Distinctions  Service.  They  are  governed  by  the
                     document on Distinctions.

                     5.4.1.   Requests for Distinctions shall be addressed to FIAP in the same way as
                             applications for Patronages.

                     5.4.2.   Photographic works attached to requests for Distinctions are handled by the
                             Collections Service.
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