Page 4 - Obligatory Zakat Made Easy
P. 4


   The Meaning of Zakat

   In terms of language, zakat means purity, fertile and growing.
   However, in terms of Islamic jurisprudence, zakat is giving
   out a portion of certain properties to certain groups when
   the conditions have been met. Examples of the types of
   zakat are income zakat, business zakat, savings zakat,
   share zakat, gold zakat, silver zakat, livestock zakat, crop
   zakat and fitrah zakat.

   The Postulate on Obligation
   of Zakat

   Zakat is one of the five Pillars of Islam. It is compulsory
   based on the saying of Allah (SWT):
   “And be steadfast in prayer; give Zakat, and bow down
   your heads with those who bow down (in worship).”
                                    Al Baqarah: Verse 43

   Zakat is a process to purify one's property. Allah (SWT)

   “Of their wealth take alms, that so thou mightest purify and
   sanctify them; and pray on their behalf. Verily thy prayers
   are a source of security for them: and Allah is One Who
   heareth and knoweth.”
                                   At Taubah: Verse 103

   “Purification”  means  ridding  a person  of stinginess  and
   greed, while from the perspective of the poor, it is the
   cleansing of envy and hatred for the rich.
   Cleansing oneself means restoring the rights of the poor
   embedded in one's property or income. This is enjoined by
   Allah (SWT) in this verse:

   “And in their wealth and possessions (was remembered)
   the right of the (needy), him who asked and him who (for
   some reason) was prevented (from asking).”
                                   Adz-Zaariat: Verse 19

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