Page 28 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 28



     Lions International has created a new Global Area this year.

     Previously, Extension was a part of Global Membership. Currently, it is a separate area., so more emphasis can be
     placed on forming and developing new clubs.

     In our District, the task is placed on the GET (Global Extension Team) to establish new traditional clubs in
     underserved areas and assist in forming Specialty Clubs as required.

     Many areas are changing population demographics and new groups that are moving into neighborhoods must be
     comfortably integrated into the fabric of the community. Their needs must be recognized and they must be given an
     opportunity to serve. As Lions, it is our responsibility to re-examine the changing needs in our community.

     Extension is every Lion’s business! Report the changes that you observe to the Membership Committee who will
     advise the specific Zone Chair who reports to the GET (Global Extension Team).

     “Where There’s a Need, There’s a Lion”. Especially in an underserved area, our goal is to follow up and attempt to
     relieve those hardships.

     The Committee is probing to target the prime locations to establish new clubs. Our goal is to charter three (3)
     traditional clubs and establish Specialty Clubs and Club Branches where necessary. We are examining trends in
     population changes and club loss to determine the most favorable location for new clubs.

     Prepared by,
     PDG Veronica Ralph-Munro,
     Global Extension Coordinator
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